Today was Chloe Belle's baby dedication at church. It was a really important moment for us as parents. I've been a bit consumed with thinking about this whole adventure in parenting lately, so I thought I'd put it all down in words here for you [whoever you are that's reading this...]
Thursday night was the parent dinner for the ones dedicating babies. A couple in our church, who I personally don't know at all but who are very well respected, shared with us some thoughts about parenting. One thing the momma said burned into my heart. "One unbreakable law of parenting is this: parents reproduce themselves." She them showed a picture of her mother, her oldest daughter, and her oldest girl grandchild. She showed how they had the same hair, skin, and nose. Physical characteristics though, are the least of what we pass down. She asked how we would feel if someone said of our children, "she has her mother's faith, her father's obedience" or how about "she inherited her mother's sins"...
Certainly I have spent a great deal of the last 9 months concerned about parenting Chloe's sleep schedules, starting training her in obedience, and making sure she is stimulated correctly to help facilitate learning. But what is a constant weight on me is her little heart and her precious soul. I want nothing more than to lovingly guide her in a walk with Christ. I want her to love, obey, and enjoy Him all her days. And what weighs upon me the most is that she will look to me to understand not only how to have a relationship with God, but she will look to me to understand His very nature. My grace will teach her about His grace. My righteousness will be a lesson on His. My faith will be there for her to imitate.
Honestly, this overwhelmed me. I couldn't stop thinking about it. Then I met with God on Friday. I love how He always meets me at my need!!! I've been studying the Patriarchs for the past 4 months or so because we're teaching the Patriarchs at Worship + Study this semester. Friday I dug into Genesis 26 and looked at Isaac and how he reflected his earthly father. Isaac committed the same stupid sin that had gotten Abraham in such trouble twice in his life [they both lied about the identity of their wives]. I was overcome at how Isaac didn't just inherit his father's radical faith, but his sin as well.
I realized that my life will laid bare before my children. They will see my triumphs and my failures. But I left those moments with God no longer overwhelmed by this reality, but encouraged. Because despite how depraved and fallen my life and my sins can be, I serve a God who is capable of redeeming me. Not just redeeming my soul unto salvation, but redeeming my character flaws, my habitual sins, and my deeply ingrained rebellion. And not only can He do this for me, but He is capable for my children as well! My sin will not overwhelm me; instead I choose to be overwhelmed by the transforming grace of my God!
Praise God for entrusting me with this precious life, and for constantly teaching me more about Himself in the process. He is so very very good.
Meagan, this is sooo good and challenging to me even though I'm not a parent yet. I appreciate you and Adam and your desire to be Godly parents. Thanks for your example to all of us! :)