Saturday, June 19, 2010

the one where I catch you up

Haven't been the best at blogging lately. Let me catch you up:

1. Ellis and Becky came to stay. They are amazing. Spent the night talking about their amazing homemade organic life. As always, they inspired me to start my own garden and make everything with my own hands.
2. Spent the next morning pulling stubborn weeds and getting too much sun. Gave up on organic lifestyle. sigh.
3. I want to learn to sew. I've become mildly obsessed with mommy-make-it-sew-it-yourself blogs. Want to be amazing sewing mother.
4. Don't have $500 for a sewing machine.
5. This was my vacation week. Translation: I did not go into the office all week and simply increased in my feeling that I'm letting things slide at work. Feel out out of touch with college students. Want to be perfect college minister but feel that I'm always a day late and a dollar short. Or I guess I should say a Bible study short or something.
6. Adam told me last night I need to realize I'm not perfect and I can't do everything. Really? But I want to be perfect.
7. Drove the Newlywed mission team to ATL last night on the dreaded church vans. They left for Israel. Translation: I am WILDLY jealous they get to spend two weeks with Wendi. I secretly want to be her best friend but, alas, she is a continent away. I hope they have a FANTASTIC time and lead people to Jesus.
8. Andrew and Marchele took care of Chloe Belle all night while we were gone. They are the happiest most servant-hearted people I know. Want to be just like them.
9. Cooking for Baby came in the mail. woot. Cannot wait to be amazing I-make-all-my-own-healthy-babyfood mother.
10. And lastly, in all the other areas of life where I strive and fall a bit short, there is one area where I have succeeded fantasticly. (is that a word? it has a squiggly red line under it).
I have the most beautiful baby in the world. hands. down. She is breathtaking.


  1. My sewing machine didn't cost anywhere near $500, but you are more than welcome to come over and use it whenever you want. You get to sew - and i get to see you and Chloe. It's a win, win, win!

  2. You do have a beautiful baby! I can't get enough of here!
