Monday, July 26, 2010

the one where I'm cooking

I'm making all of Chloe Belle's baby food. I love knowing exactly what she's eating, and it makes me feel all Betty-Crockerish. She loves it! Eats every last bite!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. so you just cook 'em and puree 'em? do you freeze it too? i have some friends that freeze theirs in icecube trays. then they just thaw out a serving at a time. silas isn't there yet, but i am trying to prepare myself! lol!

  3. I have a couple books I've read on it and that I'm following. Mainly, Cooking for Baby by Lisa Barnes. I steam cook everything to maintain the most nutritional value and then puree. I freeze in baby jars. I had a friend keep some for me, I think you only need about 20. Yes, I've heard ice cube trays work, but I'm satisfied with the baby food jars so far.
    I've really enjoyed it. She just started zucchini today and loved it! It really is amazingly cheap and easy. It's much easier than I expected. With nursing and making your own food, we pay about $3 a week to feed CB. Can't beat that...
