Yesterday little Miss Chloe had some fussy moments. At one point in the afternoon I had her perched up on my shoulder, which is her favorite place and sometimes the only way she'll calm down. After some crying I noticed she had fallen fast asleep. I was about to get up from the couch to lay her down in her crib so she could nap and I could wash dishes and do laundry. But then I realized that dishes and laundry will always be there waiting for me, but I only had this moment with Chloe Belle once. I laid down on the couch and put my sweet baby on my chest to sleep. It was perfect. The bright warm spring sun was streaming in the windows making everything feel happy and hopeful. I laid there for an hour smelling the sweet smell of her hair, listening to her precious deep breathing, and feeling her tiny little chest rise and fall against my own. After a while I felt tears streaming down my cheeks. The joy and love I feel for her is simply overwhelming.
It was a perfect little naptime. And wouldn't you know I ended up getting the dishes and laundry done too?
I love you, Maegan. You have a beautiful heart.