Wednesday, March 10, 2010

the one where I'm a scaredy cat

I love to fall asleep to the sound of rain. I hate waking up in the middle of the night to thunder and lightning. I don't like storms. I'm a scaredy cat. And now to add to it, the crazy loud thunder last night woke Chloe Belle up three times. So I had to sit up and rock my baby to comfort her while needing some comforting myself. Maybe one day I'll be a grown up and no longer afraid of thunder.

I won't even talk to you about how I act over tornadoes.


  1. but i will! the siren goes off, and we are throwing blankets, the dogs, and our bodies into the closet. i even think one time we had the crate for the dogs in there, too! i mean, this is not the biggest closet in the world! we haven't had an experience with chloe belle yet, but i can't wait for that day to come! : )

  2. hey! i'm so glad that you read my blog that i'm not even going to be mad that you're making fun of me!
