Wednesday, August 3, 2011

the one about gone with the wind (spoiler alert)

Remember how I said I wanted to see all the movies that have won Academy Award for Best Picture?

Well, I've seen a couple since that post:

The King's Speech. Incredible. Lots of bad words. Incredible story and incredible movie.

Gone With the Wind. This movie totally sucked. Why in the world does everyone love Scarlett O'Hara????? She is spoiled. Hideous. She is a horrible friend-consistently makes out with her only friend's husband. Which makes her an adulterer. She is beyond arrogant. She slaps her slave around. She's a rotten mother. Terrible wife.
So what if she's a survivor? She's one of the worst people ever.
Plus, I always thought the famous line, "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn" would be some big romantic moment where they finally get together and have one of those old school movie kisses that look uncomfortable. Nope. He says it to her as he leaves her alone, childless, and friendless (which is no less than she deserves.)
total letdown.
Anyway, despite my one epic fail, I'm gonna keep trying to watch all those movies....Any suggestions for which one I should go for next?


  1. I love that you make goals like this because I do too. Casablanca and An American in Paris are my favorites on the list!

  2. I am so glad I'm not the only one that doesn't like Gone With the Wind! I thought I was being a bad southerner. It is a terrible movie.

  3. You have got to read the book "The Help." I just read it and thought of you when I read this part in regards to Gone with the Wind. One of the maids says this: "She's got so many azalea bushes, her yard's going to look like Gone With the Wind come spring. I don't like azaleas and I sure didn't like that movie, the way they made slavery look like a big happy tea party. If I'd played Mammy, I'd of told Scarlett to stick those green draperies up her white little pooper. Make her own damn man-catching dress." Not sure I liked Gone with the Wind either (I honestly watched it so long ago I don't remember!)
