Saturday, July 23, 2011

the one where I'm that mom

I remember when I was childless and I'd be in a public place and I'd run into that mom.You know the one: in the restaurant her kid is throwing food on the floor, in the grocery store her kid is screaming and flailing about in the cart, in the store her kid is having a total come apart over a toy. You always pity that mom and her child and assume she is the worst mother ever and her kid will grow up to be an emotional wreck.

Well, hello. Today I was that mom. CB has been throwing more temper tantrums lately and we've haven't quite figured out how to deal with it. We should have realized it's not the best time in life to go out to eat, but we thought we'd have a little family fun date. [mistake #1] We walk in the door of Chick fil A and Lily starts crying. [problem #2] I'm trying to soothe her and get CB in the highchair while Adam orders. For some reason CB is all weird and fussy. [problem #3] I figure she'll calm down when food arrives because she loves Chick fil A food. Food arrives and she doesn't calm down. She's fussing, whining, throwing apple chunks on the floor-the whole deal. [problem #4] CB has never turned down food in her life. We can't figure out what's going on till we realize she wants the playground. So, in an effort to shut her up [mistake #2] I take her to the playground. At first things are going well. Then she starts to climb up the steps leading to the tunnel. Now, I know she's not old enough for the tunnel, but I figure I'll let her climb the steps to avoid a temper tantrum [big mistake #3]. Of course she eventually gets stuck in the tunnel and starts freaking out [problem #5]. I don't know what to do. I go get Adam to fetch her, he gets her down, [I hope you realize we're causing a scene at this point] she's crying, we pick up Lily, and leave the restaurant in shame.

I promise I'll never judge another mother who's kid is freaking out in public again.

1 comment:

  1. girl, we've all been there...welcome :) those little monkeys have quite the mind of their own!
