#9. I want to be more healthy; including cooking and providing healthy meals for my family and making exercise an important, habitual part of my life.
I've been thinking about writing this post for a couple of days. [insert here another statement about how busy I am. sigh.]
I'm so glad I waited till this morning.
Over the last 7 months I have been committed to health more than any other time in my life. Not my own health of course, but Chloe Belle's health. I made a commitment to breastfeed, the healthiest choice for both her and me for the rest of both our lifetimes. I stuck to my commitment those first three months when breastfeeding was hard, frustrating, and not at all what I thought it would be. In short, I had discipline. Me. I had discipline about health. Who knew?
The last two months since Chloe Belle has been eating food I have been a bit fanatical about what she consumes. I make all of her baby food, from mostly seasonal, local fruits and veggies.
So, making and preparing healthy food for my child: check. Making and preparing healthy food for my husband and me: utter failure.
In addition to all this, I get on the scale this morning and I've gained several pounds. I can easily attribute this to the start of the semester: frantic living, lots of food, and LOTS of coffee [full of milk and sugar].
So, hopefully putting this out there will give me the encouragement I need to change things up. This month we're doing 30 days of no eating out, and I'm hoping that will help. Also, I'm going to say no soda or desserts until Oct. 1.
Now I know I can summon up the discipline. I just have to live it out.
I don't know what has happened, but I haven't had a dr. pepper in 2 weeks. I'm right there with you about eating healthier and providing healthy stuff for the hubs and little A.