Thursday, December 17, 2009

The First One

I feel some heavy pressure writing the first blog post. I have this need to be witty, theologically deep, and poignant. Ah well, I'm sure looking back on this that nothing will suffice, so here goes:

My motivations for starting this blog were twofold.
One, several people have been pestering me to start a blog so they can keep updated with Chloe Belle. My sister told me the other day that my mom is threatening to join Facebook because she thinks its the only way she'll stay in touch with her future grandchild. I guess she hasn't realized she just lives 10 minutes away. But, in a preemptive measure to keep my mother from constant confusion in the world of Facebook, I decided a blog would be easier.
Two, I want to talk about Jesus. Yes I know I get to teach each week at UMin SS and occasionally at Worship + Study, but that's just not enough outlet for me to talk about all the goodness that He is.

So, for the sake of posterity, here's my blog full of thoughts on life, love, and Jesus.