Just the other day I was talking with Adam about our future plans, uncertainty, and the needs that we have. I had realized that each step of our journey together since we've been married, God has provided in BIG ways. When we got married, Adam was looking for a teaching job. Right before the semester started, he got two offers. We know so many teachers who are out of work or who have to drive an hour to their school, but God provided Adam a job 10 minutes away. Then God provided the money for us to go on a mission trip to Israel, and the next year God provided all the money we needed for a month in Ethiopia. After finding out we were pregnant last year, God provided a way for us. This time it was especially beautiful to watch because we had been planning a move to New Orleans, but God had been planning something else! Adam got his job back, and I was able to go back to Shades working just with college girls-something I adore! Not to mention the fact that this whole time we've been provided an incredible home we could never afford, and all along the way God has provided for us in the little things as well.
So why do I question my future? Why do I wonder if there will be a job, or a home, or a place for us?
Same thing goes with friends. I remember leaving college convinced that I would never have friends like the ones from Troy. I just began to accept that I'd be lonely and would just have to rely on the cell phone. And yet, each step of the way God has provided amazing friends for us. First the GAP class, then the Newlywed class, our amazingly mission-minded little group: N&W, B&A, and the Clarks. We had so many great friends at seminary like the Lazenbys. And now I'm really kinda blown away by how much we're falling in love with our community group. Plus, I still have so many good friends around the world to love despite time and space keeping us apart.
So why do I sit around and doubt that God could do it again? If we move to a new place I know that He can do immeasurably more than I could ask for and imagine. New great friends are waiting to be made!
All this was spurred on from last night. It was so good to sit around our living room with Nathan, Wendi, Brad, Alison, Jeff, and Taryn. I miss these friends, but I am grateful in the Lord for the reasons why we're separated. And they serve as a reminder to me to be strong in faith. God will lead us on our own particular journey designed to bring Him the most glory, and He will provide for us every step of the way.
people who are proof that God provides and gives good gifts: